
Sunday, 20 March 2011


Where's Mum?  Oh yes, I remember she's suffering from over~stashing and very sore paws from her visit to London on Friday!  I've just looked at her 'Guess How Much I Love You' bunny calender and Little and Big Nutbrown Hare are saying it's the First Day of Spring ~ let me go see . . . .

'Yep, there's definitely sunshine out there and a very luscious looking spring green carpet
Hurry up Mum, my nose is twitching' . . . .

'You're telling me I can eat THIS carpet?'

'Ummmm, lovely deep pile'

'I'll try a small piece first, see if I like it' . . . .

'It's scrummy, right let me see, Mum's calender also said April showers in 6 weeks time, ummmmm! don't like the sound of them, better get started' . . . .

'and just in case Dad feels the urge to cut this carpet, my winter coat is shedding and I'm left with my own pair of scissors ~ I'll do any trimming Dad, you put your feet up'

'I'm stuffed! What a perfect day, I'm going to enjoy this thing called Spring and to top it off I get cuddles as well' . . . .

'Night, night xxx'