A hairy caterpillar slowly crossed the path in front of them,
in search of something to eat.
'One day soon it will change into a butterfly' said Big Nutbrown Hare.
'With wings?'
'Oh, lovely wings' said Big Nutbrown Hare.
Happy May everyone ~ how quick has that arrived?
OK, so I have been keeping quiet about my continuing health problems but as my title to this post probably indicates I'm not stitching, well I am and I'll show you more in a minute but just to fill you in, in as fewer words as possible . . .
Not been too good for the last 6 months and have been sent to see yet another Specialist.
Felt I was being exceptionally brave when I went to see him on my own just before Easter, after all it was only for a consultation so it's okay DH I can cope, WRONG! 2 biopsies, a local anaesthetic and stitches ~ not quite what I had envisaged ~ needles & injections ~ no, no, no!
Went back a week later to have stitches removed and get results ~ biopsies missing and no trace of them at the London hospital they were sent to! Still missing 2 weeks later so last week had to have the biopsies repeated ~ more needles, more injections ~ even more no, no, no!
Told the Specialist if this was going to be a regular event I'd bring him a chart out of my Stash box and at least he could stitch a design with his crosses! At least he changed the colour of the thread this time from black to blue! Anyway stitches out tomorrow and awaiting results with much stress and quite scared ~ totally had enough of feeling rubbish and not knowing what is wrong with me ~ there! story told, not a very joyful one so let's move on . . .
My thanks again for all your supportive messages and advice on my HAED attempt ~ I have not given up on it completely but have followed your many suggestions of tucking it away and coming back to it later . . .
SO, what to stitch in the meantime? I know, I'll start another HAED instead (I'm putting this insanity down to my present state of mind!) ~
This is another original artwork by the wonderful Jane Wooster Scott, I love her designs and HAED have quite a few to choose from. I've avoided anything with snow this time and opted for an Autumnal/Harvest feel and . . .
so far so good!
This design is a little smaller than my first choice ~ only a mere 134,00 stitches and 35 pages of confetti, actually the sky is a welcome break with more solid areas of stitching, but even so this still feels like it's going to be one very big Wedding!!!
I've stitched on it nearly every day in the past couple of weeks ~ I find it a great way to take my mind of other things and I'm so so enjoying it.
Gorgeous warm weather here in the South at long last and I have 2 very happy bunnies who can now discover what that lush green stuff is in the garden!
Thanks for stopping by