
Saturday, 1 May 2010


Sorry, not a happy post today!

My adorable little bunny, Buttons, has been diagnosed with a tumor and it has been a very difficult couple of days trying to sort out our best options for him.  The tumor has grown very quickly and although it is not bothering him at all at the moment and he continues to eat, drink and hop around, it is likely to continue to grow.  Buttons is now nearly 10 years old and has coped with near blindness for the last 4 years with no probs at all and is a fit, healthy bunny!  Our options are to leave alone but with the prospect of it growing more and causing him pain is not one I wish to take or to operate and hope that being 9years plus he can cope with the anaesthetic and make a full recovery, the vet gives him a 70% chance!!!

Our decision is to take the 70% chance before the situation worsens so he is booked in for his op this coming Wednesday.  I am in pieces ~ he's my best buddy, absolutely adorable, very placid and loves a cuddle ~ I'm so worried for him and would miss him terribly if he wasn't here. I know, rabbits can't go on for ever, but I'm just not ready for this - Summer, Sunbathing & Strawberries ~ all the things Buttons and I love most!

A big plea to everyone to keep everything crossed for him and that on Wednesday evening I can post happy news
x x x


Cath said...

Thinking of you and Buttons , with everything crossed .X

Annette said...

I wish you many strenght...have my fingers crossed

Sharlotte said...

I'm so very sorry. Buttons sure is a cute Bunny! I know that for humans there are medications that can stunt a growth of a tumor, they don't have them for animals? They're not always sucessful with humans but sometimes they work. I suppose if they had them for animals, your vet would have already suggested them but it's worth a shot to ask. I know decisions involving our pets aren't easy.

Carol said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about dear Buttons, Jane. Our cat, Shadow, developed an intestinal tumor, also, and we did choose to have him operated on. The vet did his best, but unfortunately, he couldn't get the whole thing removed due to the proximity to the colon. But, we did get another 1 1/2 years with him, which we wouldn't have had had we not done the surgery.

Only you can decide what is best in your situation... Will be thinking of you.

Lesleyanne said...

Thinking of you and buttons. I have everything crossed for Wednesday.

Deb said...

My fingers crossed for Buttons that everything goes well. I know I would do the same thing!!!

Myra said...

Jane, you and Buttons will be in my thoughts.

Pumpkin said...

I'm SO very sorry to hear about this Jane :o( I lost my 11 year old Pickles last year. I could have put him through surgery but seeing that he was so old, decided against it. I know how much you love Buttons but think of Buttons first. I wish you the best.

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

A small caress of France in this rabbit
Best regards marylin

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment, it's always nice to find new bloggers :)

Sorry to hear about your bunny - I hope everything goes well on Wednesday. Just had a quick peek at your most recent posts - you have a beautiful garden! I'm off to give that post another look.

Barb said...

Just came back for a visit Jane and thinking what a wonderful garden you have when I got to the post about Buttons. Just so sad for you and I hope things go well.

Angela said...

I am so sorry to hear aobut your bunny and will pray that everything goes well :)

Chris said...

Hope that little fella will be ok. such a worry they are like our children!
Thank you for your commiserations about our shed, It was a dreadful shock and we are still upset about it, of course it isn't covered by insurance but we will buy a new petrol mower as it was so useful.
Worse things could happen I guess, but this was pretty bad for us.
Thank you
Love and Blessings
Chris x